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Top 8 reasons for the failure of IVF | Why did my IVF fail?

IVF, or InVitro Fertilisation, is one of the most prominent procedures that helps couples all over the world achieve their dream of having a baby. The average success rate of this procedure is fifty percent. The blog gives you an insight into the major reasons for the failure of IVF.

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How to Improve Egg Quality in Women

The quality of your eggs can make or break your fertility. Both the quantity and quality of your eggs impact your ability to get pregnant and the likelihood that you’ll experience a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby. Eggs of poor quality are also more likely to lead to complications during pregnancy and increase the risk of miscarriage, genetic disorders in offspring, or other fertility issues later on.

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Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most delightful periods in a woman’s life. Certain food groups can affect the growth and wellness of the baby. Along with eating wholesome foods, it is also necessary to know what not to eat as well.

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How Effective is IVF Treatment in the Case of PCOS?

Many fertility professionals and partners with reproductive concerns are contemplating IVF treatment as IVF success rates are constantly increasing. Women suffering from PCOS can surely go through the IVF procedure to get pregnant. In this article, we discuss how effective is IVF treatment in the case of PCOS.

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Things Every Woman Should Know About Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous (benign) uterine tumours that are the most prevalent reason for hysterectomy. They are made up of muscle and fibrous tissue that grow from the uterus’ muscular wall. The growths are usually non cancerous. In this article we have given some information on things every woman should know about fibroids – their symptoms, treatments , etc.

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Lifestyle Changes That Can Improve Sperm Quality

In some circumstances, lifestyle habits affect male sperm quality, frequently the same ones that doctors advise patients to avoid due to long-term health hazards. Here we have included some lifestyle changes that can improve sperm quality.

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How To Diagnose And Treat A Short Cervix During Pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, you learn a lot about your anatomy that you didn’t know before. And every now and then, you discover something that necessitates special attention during pregnancy. That’s the case with a short cervix! The cervix is the opening at the uterus’s bottom that connects the uterus and

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