Hysteroscopic Surgeries in Kerala

A hysteroscopy is a procedure where the doctor examines the inside of the uterus and cervix to determine and provide treatment for the factors causing abnormal bleeding. To perform a hysteroscopy, your doctor will use a tool called a hysteroscope, a thin tube with light and a camera attached at the end. The hysteroscope is inserted into the vagina to look inside the uterus. The camera captures images and sends them onto a video screen.

A hysteroscopy is performed for the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions, including uterine diseases, abnormal endometrial thickening, infertility, and bleeding after menopause. Your doctor will perform hysteroscopy in their office with local or regional anesthesia, for diagnostic purposes. However, if the hysteroscopy is combined with a complex surgical procedure, it will be done in a hospital. Depending on the surgery you will undergo, the doctor will use regional or general anesthesia.

Being one of the top IVF treatment centers in Kerala, we offer hysteroscopic surgery by specialist doctors. 

Why does Your Doctor suggest a Hysteroscopy?

Typically, a hysteroscopy is done to diagnose and treat various uterine diseases. In these following conditions, your doctor may perform a hysteroscopy for proper identification and treatment.

Polyps and fibroids: The purpose of hysteroscopy is to detect and eliminate uterine structural abnormalities. The removal of polyps through surgery is called hysteroscopy polypectomy. When a fibroid is removed surgically, it is called hysteroscopy myomectomy.

Adhesions: Uterine adhesions, also called Asherman’s syndrome, are scar tissue bands that can develop in the uterus, potentially affecting menstrual flow and fertility. By performing hysteroscopy, your doctor can identify and eliminate the adhesions.

Septums: Through a hysteroscopy, your doctor can check if you have a malformation of the uterus, or uterine septum, that has been present from birth.


Types of Hysteroscopic Surgeries

At KJK Hospital Kerala, we offer different hysteroscopic surgeries. Here are the commonly performed procedures at our hospital. We are renowned as one of the top hysteroscopic hospitals in Kerala, offering advanced procedures

Hysteroscopic Myomectomy

This procedure is used to treat fibroids. Hysteroscopic Myomectomy is a minimally invasive procedure in which the surgeon inserts a hysteroscope through the vagina and into the uterine cavity to remove fibroids. No incisions are made, and the procedure is performed through the natural opening of the vagina and cervix. Though Hysteroscopic Myomectomy is used in the treatment of fibroids, only certain fibroids can be removed through this procedure. Your surgeon will recommend Hysteroscopic Myomectomy only if the fibroids are submucosal, smaller than 4 centimeters, and not deep in the uterine wall.


Septal Resection

Hysteroscopy is an efficient method for diagnosing uterine septum, a congenital malformation. Even though a septate uterus is not directly linked to infertility in women, it can lead to several problems in pregnancy, including miscarriage. For patients with secondary infertility, septate uterus can cause delayed natural conception. Hysteroscopic septal resection is one of the best ways to improve reproductive performance in women. It is a safe procedure and does not have any negative effects on fertility.

Hysteroscopic Tubal Cannulation for tubal block

The technique of Hysteroscopic Tubal Cannulation involves the removal of tubal corneal blocks near the uterus to restore fallopian tube function. This procedure can also assist in restoring fertility in certain women. Hysteroscopic Tubal Cannulation has the highest success rate when the blockage is closest to the womb. When the blockages are located away from the womb, the laparoscopic approach is preferred instead of hysteroscopic.

Endometrial Ablation

Endometrial ablation is a surgical procedure that removes a thin layer of the uterine lining called the endometrium. The purpose of endometrial ablation is to decrease how much you bleed during your period. In certain individuals, the menstrual flow can stop entirely. No incisions will be made because this procedure is not surgery. Your doctor uses small tools inserted through your vagina to access your uterus. Endometrial ablation reduces or completely stops menstrual bleeding. However, it is only performed on women who have no intention of having children later.

Hysteroscopy Procedure

During the procedure, you will be positioned as you normally are for a gynaecological exam, with your feet in the stirrups at the end of the exam table. Depending on the purpose, it can take anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes. The hysteroscopy procedure will take place in the following manner.

  • First, the doctor will place the speculum into the vagina. It’s similar to what occurs during a gynaecological exam.
  • The hysteroscopy device will be inserted by the doctor through the cervix. They will keep pushing it through the cervix and into the uterus.
  • Then, a liquid or carbon dioxide gas will be gently introduced into your uterus through the device to cleanse and slightly expand the surface.
  • The doctor can see the uterus, and fallopian tubes using the light and camera attached to the hysteroscope. This enables them to identify problems and carry out required surgeries.

Preparation for the test

Hysteroscopic surgery doesn’t require much preparation. Even so, there might be certain guidelines given by the doctor before the test.

  • The doctor will explain the technique and you can ask any questions you have about it.
  • Consent will be obtained from the patient to ensure their approval for the technique.
  • The doctor may conduct a thorough physical exam to ensure the patient’s well-being before the procedure. You might be required to undergo other diagnostic tests or blood tests.
  • It’s important to inform the doctor about any allergies to medication, such as aesthetic drugs. In case of pregnancy, inform the doctor.
  • Make sure to tell the doctor if you have any bleeding problems or if you’re taking blood-thinners like aspirin.
  • If you’ve had any treatment for a cervical, vaginal, or pelvic infection in the past six weeks, make sure to notify the doctor.
  • Inform the doctor if there are any lung or heart issues.
  • Refrain from douching, using vaginal medications, or using tampons 24 hours prior to the hysteroscopy.
  • Make sure you always have someone with you for the procedure.

Risks & Challenges

A hysteroscopy is a safe procedure with rare serious complications. After the procedure, you may experience:

  • Cramping
  • Mild nausea
  • Slight bleeding or spotting
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness
  • Shoulder pain (if carbon dioxide gas was used)

Since hysteroscopy is a surgical procedure, it is important to take care of yourself for speedy recovery. Here are some of the precautions you should take after the procedure.

  • You can leave the hospital after the procedure.
  • If there is no general anesthesia, you can drive home and resume regular activities.
  • You may have cramping for a few days after the procedure, but it can be alleviated by using over-the-counter painkillers.
  • It’s normal to experience bleeding in the first week after the procedure. It is recommended to avoid using tampons to avoid cervix infections.
  • There are no dietary restrictions, but avoid sexual activity until the bleeding stops or for one week.

If any of these symptoms occur, seek immediate medical attention.

  • The pain is persistent, and normal painkillers haven’t worked.
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Blood clots with bleeding
  • High fever

Vaginal discharge with a foul odor.


Why Choose KJK Hospital?

As the leading infertility and IVF hospital in Trivandrum, we offer a range of services to treat women’s infertility, including hysteroscopy. We are one of the top IVF hospitals offering hysteroscopic surgery in Kerala. The procedure is often used for examining and treating infertility in women, unusual uterine bleeding or recurrent miscarriage. Hysteroscopy is extremely helpful in diagnosing and treating conditions that can result in infertility. Some of these problems are uterine fibroids, polyps, scarring, and birth defects like a uterine septum. At KJK Hospital, we have a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors who offer the best infertility treatment in Trivandrum. Equipped with the latest technologies, we are capable of providing comprehensive services for infertility patients that accurately diagnose and treat various uterine diseases. We ensure that every patient receives the utmost care they deserve as they tackle their infertility towards a promising tomorrow.

Feel free to contact us for appointments and queries.

Phone Numbers: 0471-2544080, 2544706

Email: info@kjkhospital.com


Is hysteroscopy painful?

Every individual has a different experience. Pain perception during hysteroscopy may be influenced by factors such as procedure length, prior childbirth, and pre-surgery anxiety.

Is hysteroscopy major surgery?

An operative hysteroscopy falls under the category of minor surgery. Usually, it doesn’t demand staying overnight at the hospital. A hysteroscopy can be done through the vagina, unlike invasive procedures that require opening the abdomen.

What type of anesthesia is used for hysteroscopy?

Depending on the surgery you need, you will be given local, regional or general anesthesia.

How is hysteroscopy different from D&C?

During a hysteroscopy, growths can be located and removed using precise surgical instruments, while a D&C involves gently scraping the uterine lining to obtain larger tissue samples.

Is hysteroscopy a risky procedure?

Hysteroscopy is generally regarded as a safe procedure, with minimal risks.

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