Our Blogs

Estrogen Deficiency and Fertility

If you are expecting to expect, you ought to know the importance of estrogen in the whole process.  However, what is the real importance of estrogen for fertility and how can it influence your chances of getting pregnant? Let us take a deeper look at that. Estrogen and progesterone are

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Importance of Vaccinations during Pregnancy

Have you ever thought why vaccines are given to mum-to-be?  If not, vaccinated mothers pass on infection-fighting proteins called antibodies to their babies.  During the first few months of life, these antibodies provide protection against certain diseases.  In general, vaccines give you and your baby a protective cover against a

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Newborn Screening

Newborn screening refers to the practice of testing all babies in their first few days of life for certain disorders and conditions that can hinder their normal development.  This testing is typically performed before the baby leaves the hospital.  The conditions included in newborn screening can cause serious health problems

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Importance of Breast Milk

Breast milk provides ideal nutrition for babies. It has the perfect mix of vitamins, protein and fat – everything that your baby needs to grow and build immunity. It is all provided in a form more easily digested than infant formula. While some women are unable to breastfeed, others simply

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Preeclampsia is a type of pregnancy-related complication characterized by high blood pressure and causes damage to another organ system, most often liver and kidneys.  Commonly preeclampsia rears its head after 20 weeks of pregnancy in women whose blood pressure had been normal. Left untreated, preeclampsia can snowball into serious, even

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High Risk Pregnancies

Most of the time pregnancy is a natural process.  After a full-term pregnancy, woman goes into labor as the due date gets nearer and gives birth to a healthy baby if there are no pregnancy-related complications.  A day or two later, she is discharged from the hospital to begin a

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Ultrasound Scans During Pregnancy

For would-be mothers, ultrasound scans are the highlight of the pregnancy. It is really exciting to “see” the baby in the womb, often moving their hands and legs. Generally, having a scan in pregnancy is a happy event, but one should be aware that ultrasound scans may detect some serious

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Myths surrounding IVF (Busted)

Myth #1 IVF causes cancer All medications, including fertility drugs, come with risks, but one needn’t get concerned about an increased cancer risk.  It can be said with confidence that this one is an absolute myth!  There is no authentic study or link that shows that fertility drugs, artificial insemination,

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