Menstrual Cycle and Your Health
Discover the connection between your health and the menstrual cycle. Understand irregular periods with insights from KJK Hospital.
Discover the connection between your health and the menstrual cycle. Understand irregular periods with insights from KJK Hospital.
Up until a few decades back preserving one’s fertility was considered something that is seemingly impossible, but with the advancement of medical technology it is quite possible today through egg freezing […]
Up until a few decades back preserving one’s fertility was considered something that is seemingly impossible, but with the advancement of medical technology it is quite possible today through egg freezing […]
The uterus, which carries the fetus in females throughout the pregnancy, consists of three layers – inner most, middle and outer layer. The innermost layer of uterus is called endometrium […]
Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a baby in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. In fact, it is one of the most common pregnancy-related issues. About 15-20% of the pregnancies end in miscarriage. The first question that pops in the mind of a woman or a couple after a
The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped organ located at the front of the neck just below the Adam’s apple (larynx). A normal thyroid gland will not be outwardly visible or able to be felt when you apply finger pressure to the neck. The main function of the thyroid gland is to
If you are expecting to expect, you ought to know the importance of estrogen in the whole process. However, what is the real importance of estrogen for fertility and how can it influence your chances of getting pregnant? Let us take a deeper look at that. Estrogen and progesterone are
Have you ever thought why vaccines are given to mum-to-be? If not, vaccinated mothers pass on infection-fighting proteins called antibodies to their babies. During the first few months of life, these antibodies provide protection against certain diseases. In general, vaccines give you and your baby a protective cover against a